m2tech Crosby amp used in mono mode


Thank you for your post mentioning the m2tech Crosby amp on another forum topic (Solid state that sounds like SET?). I recently got a Crosby as well as a Young pre and my friend also has one and we recently attempted to connect the amps as bridged following the user guide directions, but without success. I switched both amps to bridged, connected the preamp to each amps red input, and connected the speaker leads for each channel to their red outputs per the instructions. Result, no sound.

Can you make any suggestions? This is my first attempt at mono/bridged configuration and I would appreciate any help



Showing 1 response by descartes_before_the_horse

Did you get this to work in the end? If so, how did it compare to a single unit in stereo? Considering trying this myself! 

Seems like you may have forgotten to complete the circuit with the speaker cables.