M. Logan Requests- Tube Suggestions in $1.5-2K??

You Logan owners. Currently using Parasound HCA3500. Want that silky tube warmth and power. The Parasound also run's so damm HOT! Suggestions welcome!

Showing 1 response by tonnesen

For my SL3's I'm using two Golden Tube Audio SE-40's that were converted to monoblocks, you can get these for around $1k or less on audiogon. I've been amazed at the sound....but I'm new to this hobby so I'm also very interested in what others have to say.

Also Dennis Had of Cary/AES has a new design - a pair of "sixpacks" that are $2400/pair new. (Just saw these while looking for tubes) Looks interesting!
There is info at www.upscaleaudio.com on these.