m-audio firewire 410 sound quality?

The output both analog & digital from my 410 is much lower and of lesser quality than from either my cd or dvd player. I discovered this by switching inputs on my preamp between computer and player while playing cd in player and same cd ripped to hard drive from computer. I used wavelab and winamp for output with similar results. All of my equipment and software are top notch. And yes I physically switched inputs on my preamp and all inputs are fine. I want my computer to sound as good as possible. I really enjoy using the computer as a juke box. Do I need a differant I/O device, something else or am I asking too much?

Any suggestions?

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I have an M-Audio Firewire Audiophile and have been saying the exact same thing for nearly a year now. I only use the digital out, but there is a very obvious lack of dynamics and clarity. I have been quite disappointed by this thing because I essentially plunked down $300 for something that apparently can't even send a good digital out. I've heard that M-Audio's usb products are better--I have no idea why that would be--regardless, I'm done with that company. The Apogee mini-dac seems to get great reviews, but I don't need the dac and there's no way I'm paying $1000 for a digital out. I'm reluctant to just start picking up less expensive products to try because M-Audio is supposed to be right there at the top for the reasonably priced pc audio products. My other hang up is I really wanted an external with a separate headphone volume control and that severely limits my options (unless I want to throw down for the Apogee...) As it is, for convenience sake, I almost solely use my computer as a source now and at times I can almost forget how bad the M-Audio is--until I pop a cd in my player (Pioneer 47a--not even that great) and am reminded how completely the sound card sucks. Let me know if you stumble across any reasonably priced gems with the headphone out. Good luck.
Maybe I'm confused. While the Apogee is a DAC and so is my M-Audio, if I'm just running USB (or firewire in this case) into the DAC and then just a digital out to my processor, I'm bypassing the card's DAC, correct? As I'm a student, I don't own a house yet and switch apartments relatively frequently. Right now I have a 35 ft coax cable (Signal Cable) feeding an Anthem AVM-20. What I meant in the above statement, is that I don't want to pay $1000 for something that I would only use to basically convert USB to coax. With the distance, I think it's probably a bad idea to run analog right now (plus I suspect the M-Audio DAC's aren't very good). I'm moving yet again this Fall so maybe the distance between the stereo and computer will decrease. Is the DAC in the Apogee good enough that one could run analog out? Would it be better than the Anthem? Thanks for the help.