Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL

Has anyone heard both the Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL? Can he/she tell me the sonic differences between the two? Your comment is most appreciated. Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by dgad

Jonathan Carr once mentioned a Lyra Titan I SL. I know this exists in Mono. From what I understand this would surpass the Titan I but I tried to source one in Stereo to no avail. If that can be found it would be amazing. By the way, SL stands for single layer (of coils) or lower output. I assume slightly faster w. more detail but you need a better phono stage for the reduced output. And having owned tons of cartridges (about 10 in the same price range) it is currently my favorite and not in the least bit cool. If you set it up wrong it will be cool though. Actually, it is warmer than some others and warmer than the Skala for sure. It is very neutral but the Olympus leans to the Koetsu side of things ever so slightly. I find the Titan I a true bargain in comparison to many cartridges out there. I know it isn't cheap but I don't think more money will get you much better, just different. A lot of the best rooms at RMAF were using either a Skala, Titan or Titan I. On a Graham Phantom I am able to get a perfect resonant frequency of 10 hz vertical & horizontal which is quite impressive. But.. putting it on my SQ just brought up the level of performance to something special. It for me is a very well made cartridge that is reference grade. I prefered it to my ZYX Universe as it was more natural & musical sounding w. better bass & dynamics in my setup. The ZYX had a touch more detail and better microdynamics (not macro). But I do miss my ZYX for that last bit of detail. So if a Titan I SL could exist then wow. The detail w. it all. If your system is full or thin then the Titan I won't be the best choice.
Syntax I love quoting you. It is so much fun.

"Of course most love the Olympos (because it is so rare and you can't get it when you want...) but after all my years in analog I know, most don't know why that one is special. Even when they buy it, they won't hear it. Because their System can't show the difference.It is not more of detail, deeper bass than others, the abilities are somewhere else."

Man you are the best. Our poor deaf ears, poorly resolving systems. We just don't know how to listen or what we are doing. We of course (thankfully) are not you. Please come & teach us what we do not know.