Lyra Kleos vs Koetsu Urushi

Does anyone have any experience comparing a Lyra Kleos against a Koetsu Urushi Tsugaru, Wajima,Blue or Gold?
I am looking for a slightly higher output MC and these three are on my radar.I have heard the Kleos, but none of the Koetsu's. Or, is it better to step up to the Koetsu RSP? I like this cartridge, BUT I'm not sure if it has enough output with the platinum magnets. I need at least 0.3mv of output for my phono stage.

Showing 1 response by maril555

I've had exactly the carts you asking about.
Lyra Kleos and Koetsu Urushi Blue.
They are difficult to compare directly, since they need different SUTs and tonearm.
supposedly, Koetsu needs a heavier arm, then Lyra, due to lower compliance.
but from what I gather, I always had a feeling, that Lyra has more "energy" in the treble, that serves some recordings better, than the others.
Koetsu is more balanced and has somewhat more body and bass foundation.
The highs are NOT rolled-off in the least, and it's very musical.
overall, I've found Koetsu more to my taste.
A lot of myths about Koetsu, like " it's soft, polite, rolled off and has loose bass" are simply not true, and are likely a result of incorrect pairing with both tonearm and SUT.