Lyra Kleos Repair

My sweater got hung on the stylus and I bent the cantilever on my Kleos,  It will play through both channels, but it's very distorted and sounds nasty.   Has anyone had repairs done on newer Lyra, and who should do it?



Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear mdp: Lyra Kleos is a great performer and if I was you I will try that my Lyra stay at least in the same condition.
That only can do it Lyra ( J.Carr. ) because the designer was who did it the cartridge voicing and was fine tunned during that voicing proccess along that when JC return to you you will receive not only a new Kleos but with all the up-grades that Lyra did it even if JC never promoted those up-dates in the cartridge.

franklapdog said that other option makes " magic ". That " magic " just does not exist with any after market rettiper but the cartridge designer that's the only person that knows the cartridge desing targets and how to fullfil those targets.
An after market retipper can does the  job and when the cartridge returns always sounds DIFERENT not better but diferent. Many of us could think that sounds better but it's not true.

If we have a Lamborghini we don't send it to repair/fix to the Honda distributor, right? so why any one of us could even think to send it to Honda?, have no sense to me.

Regards and enjhoy the music,
Dear wntrmute2:  """  the way Lyra is treating this customer, I will choose to vote with my dollars and spend them elsewhere.  """

the subject here between your opinion and the r_f_sayles that as I posted is the same as mine is not about price but way deeper than that.

Now, if instead of Lyra the cartridge is a top of the line Dynavector, Clearaudio, Koetsu, Benz Micro and the like all these manufacturers gives you the same price range to rebuild their cartridges.
Lyra is not given a bad treatment to this customer or any of its customers it's just that's siemple that way, always with any cartridge manufacturer with cartridges of these kind of models.

Regards and enjoy thye music,