Lyra Dorian load

according to lyra:
Recommended load impedance Preamp direct: 100ohms-47kohms.

A while ago someone came to visit me and we listened to my audio system. He thought it was ok but he was a bit unimpressed by my turntable. He thinks it should perform better. His thought was that my phono stage has a to high load setting. This week I found out my phono stage has a fixed load setting of 1000ohm.

Now this can be changed but what would be a good value. I was thinking of 100ohm.

Any advise is welcome.

Showing 2 responses by mordante

To be honest I don't have a clue what the capacity of my tone arm wire of my IC is. But I guess a load of anything between 100 and 200 ohm would be ok.
Syntax. I wouldn't mind trying out what load would be best but I cannot change the load myself. Taking a soldering iron into my amp scares me.