Doesn't the Delos fall somewhere in the yatra or Fuji price level. I believe the R-1000 series costs a fair amount more. Just a thought, and sorry I couldn't help with your question.
Lyra Delos vs. Zyx r-1000
currently have on my VPI super-scoutmaster the Kiseki blue NOS cart. Looking for some more detail and low-end resolution. Budget is at around $1,500.
Two names come to mind are the Lyra Delos and Zyx r-1000. How the two compare ? Any other suggestions for a MC cart?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.
currently have on my VPI super-scoutmaster the Kiseki blue NOS cart. Looking for some more detail and low-end resolution. Budget is at around $1,500.
Two names come to mind are the Lyra Delos and Zyx r-1000. How the two compare ? Any other suggestions for a MC cart?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.
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