@knollbrent Is CK okay? I hope he's not involved in the war.
Luxmann PD444 is up and spinning!
Some of you know me but it's been awhile since I've posted with any regularity. I've had a gorgeous Luxmann PD-444 turntable sitting next to my Technics 1200GR for 5 years and never used it. Why? We'll I was high and drunk most of the time and didn't want to F anything up. I was also hoping my Russian friend would come visit but that hasn't happened. So, yesterday via signal texting, a few videos and some reprimanding by the Russian (some of you will guess who he is), the Luxmann spins with a Fidelity Research 64-fx tonearm/Pickering XSV4000 set up on the short side and will mount my Victor UA-7082 and disignated cart on the long side. Pretty excited to have this table up and running. After i get the hang of working with the Luxmann, I'll break out my refurbished Victor TT 101 that JP worked on for me and fire that bad boy up.
Just wanted to share. Brent