Luxman M-900U in bridged mono or McIntosh MC1.25kw with B&W 800 D3



I'm not trying to open a debate about which brand is best. 

I would like an honest opinion about what's the best combination, if possible from someone who really tried both amplifiers with B&W 800D3. 

Thank you.


Showing 1 response by jwalsh31

I was using a pair of McIntosh MC2301’s/C2600 and recently switched to a pair of Luxman M900U’s/C900U. I feel I gave up just a bit of that midrange tube magic in exchange for greater detail, better front to back and left to right imaging and more authoritative bass. Midrange is still wonderful. No regrets at all about making the change. Unless you have a very large room or regularly listen at avg levels above 90db on M900 would be sufficient.

Prior to the 2301's I had a pair of 601's.  Both changes were a step forward