Luxman L505u . . . why not?

I'm getting close to pulling the trigger on one of these--an upgrade from my Rotel receiver. Before I do, I'd like some perspective from the learned A'gon community. First, will it be a significant upgrade from the Rotel? What kind of sonic improvements can I expect? Second, why shouldn't I buy from Audiocubes II?
I know On a Higher Note is the official U.S. distributer, but my budget pushes me towards the less expensive purchase option. Third, regardless of where I purchase it from, it will need a transformer to boost the power to 220. I don't know anything about the possible effects this might have on sound and performance of the component--can anybody speak to this? Is it possible to have the piece modified to accept the U.S. 110 current? I want the piece because it meets my requirements for an integrated: it's at least 100W, it has speaker A/B (I've got speakers in the kitchen and the main living room), it's got a great phono section (I play 50% records, 50% CDs), and it's got a headphone amp. Those are the features I want in an integrated. Any advice, suggestions, dissuasions will be appreciated.


Showing 8 responses by brianmgrarcom

Why not listen to some newer Luxman integrated's, whether it is the 505/509u or the pure class A units, the 550/590a II?
I am not familiar with those setups, sorry. While I have followed the comments you allude to from others where Luxman was steered in aother, wrong, direction when under Alpine, it is clear that is no longer the case nor has been for some time, quite the contrary. I do have a L-590a II on order.
I wonder how else can I choose the best amp when I have no chance to listen on my own equipment?
Take it with you. While not your room, at least it is your speakers. Not always easy, but it is an option. Or, buy low enough to resell if you don't like a piece.

I had a McIntosh MC402 and C46, which will now be replaced with the L590a II; I have Ridge Street Audio Sason speakers.

I came about the Luxman in researching class A amps as I am wanting to find a better pairing with my speakers. Honestly I wasn't aware of the Luxman gear until somewhat recently and I really liked what I was learning.

Please post a detailed report after your Luxman arrives!
I have had my L-590A II for a week now and I not only am very pleased but pleasantly surprised. I say surprised because it far exceeds my expectations.

My main goal from switching from my McIntosh MC402 and C46 was hopes of a better match with my speakers; I have heard my speakers at a show where they sounded better than I had at home, by quite a bit frankly. My thoughts of change was based on various setups I know the founder used with them.

The clarity/transparancy of this amp is far greater than any others I have owned and the bass is far superior to what I had with the Mac gear, in fact both the bass and transparency are simply incredible, I cannot over state either enough. One could easily confuse the two setups as having the reverse in wattage.

There a songs even played via my tuner where I simply amazed, including hearing details I'd never knew existed.

The Mac gear is laid back and I have accused some past speakers of being recessed in the midrange, where I now think it had more to do with the Mac gear. (I sure would like to have some past speakers back to hear with this amp.) I don't like sounding so critical of the Mac and that isn't my intent, it is just that the Luxman is that much better. (I usually like to say here, IMO, but man, there is no denying that the Luxman is better. Now there "may" be some things that some would prefer with the Mac gear, but that doesn't negate the obvious.)

Great dynamics with the Luxman and I was hoping to get more depth using Class A, think 3D, which it achieves.

The L-590A II is a great piece indeed. I will say that it is very revealing and if one has speakers on the bright side, it'll show it and I suspect it could be too much for you. Pair it well and you will be rewarded.
