Luxman Knockoffs or Counterfeits?

Living in the US, it has been very difficult finding a Luxman on the used market. I see lots of models on ebay selling from Japan. The listings look suspicious to me - different sellers with the exact same photo of the product; sometimes the same photo with one seller naming a different model number than another seller, but using the same photo.    

I found one Japanese ebay seller who seems to be legit, Monotokyo, based on seller reviews, but I am hesitant to rely on ebay seller reviews.  

Does anyone have information about Luxman knockoffs or counterfeits? 


Showing 1 response by gareents

I have purchased audio equipment (SME tonearm, turntable parts) from Japan via Ebay. No problem and great result. I always look at the Ebay ratings of the supplier and find this to be a very good indicator in terms of the number of raters and the percentage of positives

KCC Scientific is a US company that makes voltage and frequency converters for audio equipment. Great products. I use their Athena converter to run my Garrard 401 at 50Hz so the strobe works. Dead quiet! Check out their website: