Lumin vs Auralic

I'm finally moving to streaming audio.  I've done a bunch of reading and have narrowed down my search to one of two models:  Lumin T2 (which is finally shipping I hear) or the Auralic Vega G2.  For those that know both brands, and have had a chance to audition or work with their software platforms, which would you recommend?  I prefer the one box I end up sending less on cables/interconnects.   I just plan on using  Any feedback would be appreciated!  

Showing 7 responses by calgarian5355

Thanks for the input guys....I know the reviews I've read say the Lumin software is excellent;  I haven't read much about the Lightning DS.  Jond....I think the Auralic Vega G2 is Ethernet hard wire connected...but I'll check again.  Dwolek.....How does the sound quality of the Node 2i compare to the Auralic; which Auralic did you own?
The Lumin is wired Ethernet as well.  My plan was to go wired, so wireless isn't an issue.   Any thoughts on which brand would sound well as which brand would have less warranty issues?  Specifically, I read that the Auralic has a buffering system in place; would this create more possible servicing issues in the long term?  How sturdy are these storage devices in these units?   
Dick, thanks for your comments.  

I agree with you.  Auralic's nomenclature is extremely confusing....G1 or G2 could mean the Aries or the Vega.  

Between the Lumin and the Auralic VEGA products, I'm currently leaning towards the Auralic.  What bothers me is that all the reviews on the Vega G2 seem to imply that the VEGA is first and foremost a DAC and that the "basic streaming function" is just a bonus.  In one of the Auralic forums, one of the developers of their products even called the streaming portion of the VEGA "free".  The reviews I've read all say that adding the Aries G2 really brings out all that the DAC in the VEGA G2 can deliver.  I, on the other hand, view the VEGA as a one-box streamer...that would compete with the likes of the one-box Lumin products, such as the new T2 (or D2, S1, A1, etc).  The Lumin reviews don't necessarily talk about the specific performance of the DAC vs the streamer portion of their all in one products.  I'm looking for one box solution that sounds good without necessarily having to add more pieces.

I'm also curious about how well either the Lumin or Auralic would sound like if they were connected directly to my power amplifier.   I'm hoping the unit I end up purchasing will allow me to sell my preamp if the sound is good enough.....

Dick, I'll let you know what I end up getting....Uberwaltz, I'll do some investigating on the Mytek BB; thanks for your suggestion.  Mre28m5, there are no dealers for Auralic anywhere near auditioning anything from that company is not going to happen.  I'm basing everything thus far on reviews since my nearest dealer is a 4 hour plane flight away!  The Lumin T2 hasn't arrived at my local dealer yet, so once it arrives, I'll give it a listen.....

Sorry for the late reply.  I ended up getting the Vega G2.  I think it sounds remarkable!  I've been swapping out power cords, XLR interconnects, and Ethernet cables the last couple months.  I'm currently doing an assessment of the performance of the built in preamp versus my Aesthetix Calypso; my early assessment is that the Auralic's built in preamp/volume control is better sounding than my Calypso.  I'm going to do some tube rolling before I decide to sell my Calypso.....
mwsl, I'm really liking my Vega G2.  I have NO regrets purchasing it.  I think it sounds spectacular!  I recently added the Auralic Leo GX master clock as well....and it really is a step performance upgrade from the Vega G2 alone.  But please don't think that the G2 doesn't sound exceptional on its own; when I purchased the G2, I really didn't think the sound could get any better.  I am still listening to the Auralic combo direct to amp; I haven't had the time to put my Calypso back into my system to do comparisons yet.  My cabling now consists of the following:  Kubala Sosna Emotion XLR's between Vega G2 and Amp, Kubala Sosna Emotion power cord for Vega G2, Ethernet cable is between the Audioquest Diamond and the Wireworld Platinum Starlight (I think I prefer the Platinum Starlight better....but both are VERY good!)
eaglejo, I decided to put the Aesthetix Calypso back into the mix.  The Vega direct to amp was very good...but upon more critical listening, including the preamp was better.....more 3d, holographic.....
I have to talk about the footers I put under my PMC Fact8 Signature speakers....the Iso Acoustic Gaia III made such a huge difference in the sound as well....Amazing how the feet can make such a huge improvement!  Deeper, tighter bass!