Lumin Streamers

I just found out that Eversolo offer a 2 year warranty on all their units.

Would anyone know if they have a service center in the USA which can handle in warranty and out of warranty repairs?

I’m looking at buying one this week.


Showing 6 responses by calieng

I own a few Lumin including the U1.

They are dinosaurs since I discovered I2S sounds so much better on any device than Lumin old school connections. The Lumins all are pulled from my systems now. Replacing with Matrix Audio Element S and Pi2 Design Mercury 2 now.

Why Lumin does not embrace I2S and wifi I do not know.


The Lumin streamers are still useable if you have a DDC. So Lumin to Denafrips Iris DDC to Venus II DAC. I tried that last night and it sounds really good. The main point is that I2S into the DAC is much better than USB. Whether you do it direct in from the streamer or you need a DDC to convert from USB to I2S.

I actually have a GAIA DDC on order now for my main system.

Actually it is well accepted that I2S sounds better in any system. It is the most direct and least processed connection. There may be some exceptions but they would be rare. I2S is how your streamers and DACs communicate internally on their main board. So anytime you interconnect with a different format you are losing some info thru translation.

Why Lumin does not provide I2S I do not know but they will be left behind soon as that is where things are headed.

On a related topic- DSD will replace PCM format as network bandwidth will accommodate it. Most music is mastered in DSD and then converted to PCM which losses resolution. So PCM will eventually be eliminated. As with I2S interconnect there is a trend towards eliminating translation of data to retain the most accurate signal.


Why don't you watch a video from the CEO of the company you praise - you might actually learn something.

And yes I have seen companies before who are stuck in their ways and go bye-bye. Lumin is following that path. Why did the U2 Mini not get released with I2S or wifi? It is not the flagship so it could have added that terrible wifi connection for convenience...

They lost me as a customer - buying Matrix Audio instead now. Probably lost many more sales as well due to being stuck in their old ways.

Well that's my opinion just as you are equally able to have your opinion.


I am pretty sure Paul knows a lot more than you so I will stick with him.

USB audio was to facilitate connecting a computer not high quality audio equipment. It has unnecessary power lead that needs to be isolated and requires translation on both ends to and from internal I2S format.

Why so butt hurt by the way? Lumin fan boy?