Lumin Ap on Lumin players - not so good?

Anyone use Luman ap??

got a new luman device and find the Lumin ap as being difficult to work with.  Playlists seems to require lots of management vs Roon, Qobuz.  Also hard to figure ap out.  Seems very awkward to use.

design of ap doesnt seem to be very good.  Guidance is limited.  Very disappointed.


Showing 3 responses by nekoaudio

@jumia I'm guessing you've read through the Playlist section of the Lumin Online Manual. But the following might make it a little easier to understand what is being described in the manual.

First of all, you need to consider the current list of tracks shown in the playlist area to be a "working list". In other words, any changes you make to the working list are temporary and your current state of things. But changes are not saved until you ask the app to save changes. Kind of like working in a word processor that doesn't save anything until you click the save button.

Clicking the save button will save the "working list" into a playlist file with the name you specified at save time. If the name is the same as something that already exists, it will overwrite it. If the name is different then it will save the "working list" into a new playlist file, and leave the old playlist file unchanged. Kind of like opening a text document and saving changes into a new file, making a copy.

Also, the saved playlist files are saved on your phone/tablet, and not on your Lumin device. Only the current "working list" is stored on the device, so it shows up when you switch between different phones/tablets.

You can put both your local music and music from a streaming service like Tidal or Qobuz into a single Lumin playlist.
@jumia Roon playlists cannot be interacted with from within the Lumin app, or vice-versa. The two apps don't know about each other, and both of them save playlist data within their own app. Roon has a way to export playlist data to a file, but there's no way to import that into the Lumin app on your phone/tablet as far as I know.

You can add the contents of a Qobuz playlist into the "working set" just like you load any other music. And save any changes you make to the "working set" back to Qobuz. See "Qobuz music streaming" in the online manual for more details.

(You mention being able to see Roon playlists in the Lumin app, but I'm not aware of this being possible.)

@ojc Lumin devices support multiple music streaming protocols, so there is more than one way to get music to play through them. I am guessing you probably ended up using AirPlay to stream music direct from the Qobuz app to your Lumin T2. AirPlay will resample the audio data if you are attempting to stream higher resolution audio files—this is a function of AirPlay and not specifically Qobuz or Lumin.

Regarding the SBooster, it will void your warranty to do that sort of modification.