lucinda williams live

has anyone seen lucinda williams on her current tour,i took my wife and 9 year old daughter to see her last night at the university of buffalo center for the arts,we had second row tickets and wonderful view of lucinda all night,she played about 17-18 songs and it was a nice mix of her material,after the 1st song she said that the room sounded great,i thought it was one of the best sounding rooms ive seen someone in,she talked to the crowd a lot in between songs and she seemed to be in very good spirits and having a lot of fun,she has 9 dates left on the tour and is columbus ohio on fri night,i am trying to convince my wife that we should go since its only 3 hours away and its a general admission venue and we could see her in the front row this time but she says no,so i guess im waiting for the next tour to see her again

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I went to see Lyle Lovette at the university of buffalo center for the arts last year both he and the sound of the room were fantastic.