LSA 20 Statement Speakers

I may purchase a pair of LSA 20 Statement Speakers......
Using my Pass Labs 250.8 Amp, their XP-12 Preamp and XP-17 phono stage
I’m spinning a VPI Classic Turntable with a MIMC Soundsmith cartridge, will these Speakers create a memorable musical experience for years to come?
Esthetically, including their size, they 
work for me and my space.  I actually 
love their appearance. From what I’ve found, their products are created with experienced and knowledgeable guidance. 
My first attempt at an Audiogon post,
I appreciate your input. 


Showing 18 responses by mbennes

Being pulled away from LSA Statement speakers., thanks for everyone’s valued opinion. 

Never listened to LSA 20 Statement’s before. Seeking insight from someone familiar with their sound...good or bad.
 Price is in my budget and again, to me they are extremely pleasing to look at. We’ll see if there are any 
LSA listeners... 
I should add..
Speakers I have been listening to
are Monitor Audio Silver RS6.
I purchased in these in 2006.

The RS6’s sound is clean but at times their high end can be sharp.
Would enjoy more deep bass as well. I can audition the LSA 20’s
and return them with a $ loss. But it’s such a hassle....
The sound I’m looking for is “more”, if that make any sense.
Electrostatic Speakers will dominate the room...looked at the suggested Magnepan’s earlier and due to size they will not be an option. But “Thank you” for your suggestion.  
Thanks to all of you for your contributions....
At this time I remain undecided.
I can listen to a pair of B&W 702’s. Feel the need to actually listen to what an upgrade will sound like. 
Those LSA 20 Statement Speakers 
remain a possibility.....
The LSA 20 Statement Speakers must designed to provide accurate musical reproduction. It sounds as though Walter Lederman has changed important aspects from the original speaker line. 
I have a question from someone who owns the new 20 Statement Speaker....with those three woofers 
positioned in the back cabinet, what happens to the bass should the speakers be positioned closer to a wall? 
Those speakers are extremely attractive.  And what’s more important, I’m pleased to know you appreciate their ability to play music! Very good combination!
Thank you so much....
Another LSA positive comment...
Wonder if this pair may have been their old line.  Irregardless it’s a positive regarding in their speakers. Thank you for that insight!
Thanks so much everyone.
Your expertise is truly appreciated.  I’m pleased to know you have opinions regarding LSA. We all are passionate in seeking a desired, magical sound when listening to music. 
Appreciate your input...thank you! Our son is expecting their second child. Following that and our visit I’m pulling the trigger. Leaning toward the LSA 20 Statement, but the new Elba 2 also looks promising.  Talked to Wally regarding a Statement purchase. 
My room size should work if I can 
place the back of the speakers
a couple of feet from the wall. 
From what Photographs tell me, they are Beautiful Speakers.

The LSA 20 Statement Speakers 
remain my next audio purchase.
Your familiarity with a number of high end audiophile Speakers provides more incentive to make 
the purchase.  
Having just returned from a visit 
to North Carolina to hold our new 
granddaughter, we discovered the central air in our home needs replacement.  
For now my purchase will be delayed....but not for long. 

I noticed those platforms under your LSA 20 Statement’s. Are they a MapleShade product? My Pass equipment, Music Hall CD player and VPI turntable are positioned in 
MapleShade Turn Table stand...
three four inch solid maple shelves.  Extremely solid and very 
Thank you again for your encouraging insight..

For financial reasons, I’ve had to delay my purchase for the LSA 
20 Statement Speakers.  Our 
central air went out. 
I was also considering Monitor Audio Gold 300’s but I’ve ruled them out.
When my purchase is made it will be with Walter.