LP Cleaning brush

hi guys,

Just want to know what cleaning brushes are you using for cleaning LPs esp in conjunction with a record cleaner ?
My vpi 16.5 comes with the nylon brush.
Some of my friends don't recommend it as they feel it can possibly scratch the surface of our precious records.
I hear a few recommendations from them but i wish to hear some opinions from the forum which brushes you guys are using when spreading the chemical and scrubbing the Lp.

Thanks for the inputs....

Showing 2 responses by nolitan

some of my friends feel that the soft velvet brushes like from MOFI and Miracle Doctor does a better job of digging deeper into the grooves and removing the dirt.
While others feel that the vpi nylon brush is tough and not so gentle & can possibly scratch the Lp.
I've been using the vpi for years & do feel that some of my even newer Lps have some scratches in them.
Now am confuse.