Lowther in bass reflex or Cain Abby

After looking at many of the speakers suggested in response to my previous post regarding suitable speakers for a low powered tube amp (Sophia baby 10wpc) and late night-low volume listening, I am still leaning toward the high efficiency full range driver camp.

I’m most interested in the Cain and Cain Abby and the bass reflex 1.3 model speakers from commomsenseaudio.com loaded with one of the Lowther drivers. The Cain speakers seem to be a well known and well regarded system. Does anyone have experience with the Lowther systems from common sense audio?

Price wise these are about the same, the lowest end Lowther being slightly less expensive, but it is close enough in price for that not to be a real consideration.

Anyone care to share some feeling/experience/biases regarding either of these tow (particularly the Lowthers)?

Thanks again!

Showing 1 response by restock

Kunja, where are you located? Are there any Cain & Cain dealers in your area? It would be worth listening to the Abbys - they are big and difficult to transport speakers, although in your room they occupy a small footprint. You can't really go wrong with them if you are looking for a full sound.

Sorry but never heard the Lowther in questions. Another alternative often mentioned here are Bob Brines speakers, which are not quite as pretty as the Abbys and I don't know of anyone who did compare them directly to the Abbys. Lookswise there is no question though... Again in your pricerange the Horn Shoppe Horns seem like a good option too.

Also, one last comment: Single drivers do require a careful amp match. The Fi X/Abby combination is excellent, so is the First Watt F1/Horn combo in my own experience. Furthermore, single drivers are not for everyone, some people just can't live without the top end or bottom end extension. Worth listening to a few or at least buying some on trial.
