Lowther based speakers, worth a listen?

I have read some reviews about super efficient, lowther based systems. I am interesting in getting reports from real owners...and whether they always need to be paired with low powered tubes. What is the max input they can take wattage wise? PAUL

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Lowther speakers can be and are a real treat. They are a different sound that when broken in you either love or dislike. There are many different drivers to choose from that provide different sounds for different rooms. Like wise there are a variety of speaker design cabinets that yield diferent sound. In many (most) cases a sub is used for extended bass. Lowther speakes are great to use with low powered tube amps, however they can always be used with big wattage S.S. if you wish. The volume level would only be used at a lower level due to thier efficiency. Could use 100-200 watts if you are careful with the volume conrtol. What Eldragon says is true however Lowthers can be put into tower cabinets hence not using the horn concept as seen in the traditional sense, therefore they could be used in a small room. There is a great web-site in St.Louis, I do not have it with me at this time however if you want the site email me and I could send it to you tomorrow. I hope this helps!