Lowdown on Sonic Impact Class T amp

1. Is this thing for real? 39$ and not a bad review that I can find?
2. What exactly is its use?

Showing 1 response by ss396

i got one for about $30.00 delivered. it is great for a portable system. i use a sony walkman and jbl n24 all weather speakers. so far it has been on vacation, to the beach, out in the garage and accompaning me on painting and house maintenance projects. in short it is great, i have a nice portable system that sounds much better than a boom box, total outlay $130.00. i'm getting mucho use out of it. the amp is somewhat rolled off in the bass below 100 hz. if you are going to use it for critical listening you need some mods to the input caps and a sla battery. my upgrade path will be to build a 41hz kit amp and get some better speakers but i'm happy for now.