Low Volumes

I live in Manhattan and live in a modest-sized studio. I'm currently set up with a Cayin A-50T and Totem Rainmakers. I love the sound they produce, but generally only when I increase the volumes to more than moderate levels. Unfortunately, neighbors (including complaining ones) exist. Is there a speaker/amp combo that would give me much fuller, satisfying sound at lower levels? I had vowed to avoid the "upgrade" bug, but feel this is a valid reason. My budget would be $4k-$5k (for both speaker and amp; each used).

Do I need better speakers? Model 1s crossed my mind. Better amp? A Luxman 505u crossed my mind.

Other components (if they matter): Cardas Crosslink interconnects, entry-level nordost bi-wire, Chordette DAC.

Showing 1 response by learsfool

About your before 10PM question - you need to look up what your local law is about the acceptable decibel level of noise. You will almost certainly find out that unless you are playing your system ridiculously loud, that the level you do play it at is FAR below the legal limit.

As a professional horn player, I used to be very concerned about this when I lived in apartments, until I figured out that the legal limit in my area was far higher than the decibel level that any brass instrument is capable of creating. That said, I never did have a single complaint about my practicing, no matter how loud it was, but I never played after 9PM out of courtesy to my neighbors.