Low Volumes

I live in Manhattan and live in a modest-sized studio. I'm currently set up with a Cayin A-50T and Totem Rainmakers. I love the sound they produce, but generally only when I increase the volumes to more than moderate levels. Unfortunately, neighbors (including complaining ones) exist. Is there a speaker/amp combo that would give me much fuller, satisfying sound at lower levels? I had vowed to avoid the "upgrade" bug, but feel this is a valid reason. My budget would be $4k-$5k (for both speaker and amp; each used).

Do I need better speakers? Model 1s crossed my mind. Better amp? A Luxman 505u crossed my mind.

Other components (if they matter): Cardas Crosslink interconnects, entry-level nordost bi-wire, Chordette DAC.

Showing 1 response by jdoris

Like Avguygeorge, I have some experience with managing rentals (8 years as a resident manager). While I agree that the presumption favors the complainer, and if it's audible at all in other units, you may get shut down, many jurisdictions have language like "peaceful enjoyment" which is probably not usually interpreted as a "right to silence," esp. before 10 or so. (Think of ordinary conversation, the sound of footsteps, or a baby crying.) In practice, and maybe in theory, I think managers (and judges) operate with a "reasonable person" standard, so that it helps your case if you can show that the music is not blaring. Elizabeth's suggestion of appealing to measurements could help you make your case, if you're unfortunate enough to live near someone who is always listening for mouse farts. John