Low Volumes

I live in Manhattan and live in a modest-sized studio. I'm currently set up with a Cayin A-50T and Totem Rainmakers. I love the sound they produce, but generally only when I increase the volumes to more than moderate levels. Unfortunately, neighbors (including complaining ones) exist. Is there a speaker/amp combo that would give me much fuller, satisfying sound at lower levels? I had vowed to avoid the "upgrade" bug, but feel this is a valid reason. My budget would be $4k-$5k (for both speaker and amp; each used).

Do I need better speakers? Model 1s crossed my mind. Better amp? A Luxman 505u crossed my mind.

Other components (if they matter): Cardas Crosslink interconnects, entry-level nordost bi-wire, Chordette DAC.

Showing 2 responses by avguygeorge

As an apt. dweller and the manager; here's how it goes: Your neighbor shouldn't even be able to know your stereo is on-- after 10pm. Meaning; if they can hear it,it's to loud.This applies to TVs, more often or low priced stereo systems. (There are no audiophiles here.)
I got 94 units and there are many types here. Some can hear a mouse fart,three floors above;(and they will let you know about it.)
I do have a unique advantage. When the apt. next to me is empty I can go over there at 3am and listen.
I have 4x8 panels of "sound board",from Home Depot; lining that wall.--That sucked the life out of the music so I had to add vinyl covered panel over the sound board. Also, this does nothing to control the bass,period.
My solutions are a great power conditioner;great cables and great components.---As to extract all the music---or as much of it as to be satisfying at lower listening levels.
"What about before 10pm?"--you ask. This is a slippery area. I have been told by the police,while they were here,if there are 2 complainers they can take action.((This involved a car alarm,mid day. They towed the car as the owner wasn't home to turn it off.))
Just last night as another example, around 8pm, the guy above this ole'gal complained about her tv,(for the umpteenth time). I went outside; I listened above her apt, and below at that level.---While I could hear the tv I didn't think it that disturbing,so I did nothing.( No explosions,clapping,sound effects,or music---just dialog.)
As I walk thru the courtyard I frequently hear people's tvs,as I pass bytheir apts. We have allowed people to switch apts.many times to move away from the offenders.
After 10pm would be another story.