Low volume on turntable??

Hi everyone, so I’m new to vinyl and have a lot to learn but I just hooked up a my first turn table, and with my preamp at maximum volume, and amp at full gain, it was still veryy quiet and had no depth/bass. The turntable is an old Denon DP-31L that I just installed a new cartridge in (AT-95E) --->Cary Audio AES SE-3 preamp---->McIntosh MC2125--->Klipsch RP-5’s. The system sounds magnificent running .wav vinyl rips with a Monarchy DIP upsampler--> Emotiva XDA-1 DAC in between my comp and the preamp, so there must be something wrong with either the unit, or how i hooked it up (basic built in RCA to preamp, with the integrated ground wire running to the Mcintosh chassis). On the plus side the ultra-quiet music has no hums, or background distortion whatsoever, even at full volume.

Any advice or thoughts would be much appreciated! Cheers

Showing 18 responses by hockey4496

Yogiboy, what are these "IC’s" you mentioned that I’ll need? Interconnects? Clearly I still have a lot to learn 😁
Is there a price point for a phono stage that would not be worth exceeding because my turn table is not the best quality? Or is it the other way around?
That's very good advice, although it is certainly disappointing I have to spend $$ money to get this thing running.

thanks all!
So I tried leaving the turntable to the phono input and using "tape out" to the preamp and no sound, then I tried plugging it into the "tape in" with outs still in "tape out", and no sound either.... I think I'll try next leaving the turntable plugged into phono, with outputs plugged into the "pre out" and run that to the Cary. I'll leave the Sony volume super low with mode set to analog direct...
Just had an idea of a possible immediate solution until I can afford a quality phono stage, let me know what y'all think:

i have a Sony V444ES receiver that has a phono input. Could I run the turntable to that, and then feed the single to my Cary audio preamp via the pre-outs on the Sony? It also has a "2nd AV output", but I'm thinking the I should use the "pre-out" 

will this work? And if so is it a terrible solution compared to a $200 phono stage, bc id rather go this route now for the next 6 months and save to buy a much better phono stage later on
Thanks for the info, that makes sense about the pre-outs, but according to the manual if I select Analog Direct on the Sony: "The analog input signal is not digitally processed. Only volume control and the balance between the front left and front right speakers can be adjusted."

does this change anything from your original thought? I really just want to start listening to vinyl TODAY haha 
Should the "tape in" work with a turntable normally? I would speculate not bc there is a phono input too, otherwise Sony would have only made one phono/tape RCA input instead of 2 separate ones for each...
It works! Used the Tape Out to the Cary preamp, turntable plugged into Sony phono. The Sony doesn’t control the volume at all, only the preamp and McIntosh gain change it, so I left the Sony volume at 0, speakers turned "off", and input on Phono Direct Analog. So it would seem I am using the phono stage only, probably not much different than a really cheap stand alone. It sounds pretty good, granted I only have 1 record to try, so I can’t really say to much if it’s better than the digital im used to, but I can say it’s not worse. It’s a little better than a good 16 bit 44hz .FLAC, but not as good as some 24bit 96hz .wav vinyl rips. With that being said I need to fix a couple things like the fact the turntable is sitting on a yoga mat on the floor, and has a 3’ female-to-male RCA cord extension to reach the receiver.

New problem to tackle: the tone arm doesn’t seem to track properly I think? every 10-30 seconds the music gets all distorted for about 1-5 seconds, and sounds like it’s in slow motion with a helium voice.

is this likely to be the new head I installed not being perfectly aligned or could it have something to do with the spinning platform? I did calibrate the counter weight and anti-skate appropriately for the new cartridge, and have the cartridge screwed onto the head unit in the same spot as the original, so it should be within a millimeter of the one I took off. I was going to use this protractor but didn't know how accurate/necessary it was: http://www.vinylengine.com/ve_downloads/index.php?stupid_protractors.pdf


thanks all!!
Thanks all for the valuable input.

i fixed the distortion problem too thank goodness. All I had to do was remove the platter, put a single drop of 3-1 oil on the center shaft, and then I slid the magnetic tape head closer to the outer permiter by about 1 mm, so the gap between the platter and the magnetic head is separated enough for a piece of paper to slide through (about half of the original gap).

Works perfectly now, zero artifacts/distortion/background even with 100% gain on the McIntosh. Perfectly silent with my ear against the speaker. Never heard Adele sound this clear!
I'm considering getting the AT100E and returning the new AT95 cartridge I just installed. 

Yall think it would make a significant difference on a turntable of this quality? It's $73 vs the $38 I spent on the AT95. I live on student loans, so I'm on a budget.

any thoughts as always would be most appreciated, thanks!
If it makes any difference I like classical (piano, cello, violen), classic rock (CCR, Clapton, pink Floyd, Beatles, Dave Mathews early stuff etc.) and anything with good vocals (rich raspy type voices like Adele). One thing I know they all have in common is a richness with the sound, if that makes sense? I hate nothing more music that hearing a song that should have a deep full sounding cello that has no feel/hollow.

Does that help narrow it down?
I think that's great advice, but unfortunately I'm stretching it big time if I were to spend $100....my wife would end me if she knew I spent the $38 haha. I will keep that particular cartridge in mind though when I can afford something a little nicer.

with that said, what would you have in mind with my budget under $90-ish?
Very insightful indeed Al, I appreciate your taking the time to look into those details. I’m going to start a new thread for the cartridge question but in the mean time I would love to hear your thought on a cartridge you would choose under $100? I know you gave me your thoughts with details I would equally endorse in my selection, but considering my budget at this stage I would value your thoughts on a cartridge you’d endorse under $100, negating all other factors. I only say that because I will be using my current setup for a minimum of 1 year, and after that I don’t know yet which TT I’ll upgrade to. So really I’m just looking for the best investment i can make today. I’m sure with the level of quality the Sony phono stage is providing, one pico magnitude off won’t be too harsh on my novice ears 😁 Thanks again for taking the time to share you’re knowledge, my interest is peeked anytime someone talks real physics. That’s my sh*t (no better way to say it)

Thanks Mark, I'll start a new thread for the cartridge. Thanks again to everyone!!
i readjusted last night before bed with a printable protractor 😁 It was actually almost dead on by chance, must have been lucky. 

Any more thoughts on changing the AT95 that I just put in for another cartridge if I can stretch my budget to $80-100? its worth noting that this ghetto Sony phono stage I have rigged will hopefully be replaced in the near future with an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A, so at that point weakest link will be the Denon TT, but in the mean time if I can get a good enough cartridge for under $100 to minimally satisfy that new preamp that would be great.