Low power tube amp for Sonus Faber?

I'm thinking of buying an Italian tube integrated Mastersound 845 compact for my SF Elipsa SE. 
It uses 2 845 Valves, single ended at 30W per Channel. Would really like to try a valve amp on the Elipsa. Is this a mistake? Has anyone tried this? I've listened to Mastersound pf100 which are 120W mono blocks and I was blown away. Unfortunately the price difference is nearly ten fold. Has anyone tried using a low power valve amp with SF? 

Showing 1 response by david_ten

@ei001h  Also consider Lyric Audio.

Here is their Ti140 Mk2 integrated...


You will have ample power with 70 watts per side when using the KT150s. It allows for negative feedback adjustment and wide tube type (and variant) options.

I found it's performance to be superlative in conjunction with a power conditioner.