Low cost Amp?

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a used amp for around the $500 range. In the past (pre-divorce) I had a Parasound 2200II and a PS Audio HCA-2. I listen to a wide variety of music but mainly smooth jazz. Like everyone else I am looking for the best sound for the best price.

As for speakers I am using the (url=http://www.madisound.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=35_37&products_id=367)Eton 8.1(/url) I had someone build the cabinets for me and I upgraded the caps, internal wire and binding posts. These speakers sound amazing! Thanks for all the input and if the speakers change your opinion, I look forward to reading more.

I have read about the Mccormack. Sounds like a great amp. Any experience with them?

Yes I own the Mccormack DNA-0.5 Deluxe and I'm not getting rid of mine any time soon. It's an amazing amp for the money. Steve McCormack (SMC Audio) offers multiple upgrades and can take it to near stratospheric levels if you have the money. He's also a great guy who will jump in here every once in a while to offer advice to owners.