Love it, or Hate it ? (wood trim)

Well, actually not quite that strong!

I'm talking about wood trim on amps or preamps? Some of the wood appears to be quite beautiful, but I think that it looks "wrong" and I dislike wood trim! I'm taking an informal poll:

Hate= Would NEVER own with wood trim
Dislike= Would prefer no wood trim
Neutral= I could care less
Like= Would prefer wood trim
Love= MUST have wood trim

Also, if you live outside of the USA, would you please indicate so and your country, [if you feel comfortable giving this info]?

I'm just curious about preferences, and also to see if they vary in other countries!

Showing 2 responses by restock

Dislike it - I certainly wood prefer no wood trim on an amplifier or CD player. I am very particular about matching wood (kind, color) in our living area. We already use wooden boards to support the amp/CDP: any additional wood trim would probably just clash. Furthermore, just using a wooden logo (as e.g. on the Unison Unico) seems kind of pointless. However, if the sound is good, I guess, I could be convinced.

Very interesting question though: From the above answers it seems that more people dislike wood. This begs for the question where the current trend for wooden amps is coming from?
also it has a more important impact; the waf (wife acceptance factor).

Really - my wife hates wood on electronics components almost as much as the sexist term WAF.
