Lovan Sovereign racks, thoughts?

I am considering getting a Lovan Sovereign rack. I was wonder what thoughts, good or bad, that any of you with experience with these racks might have? The rack I'm using now is garbage and really meant for the mass market stuff.

Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

I too have the Lovan Sovereign 2+2 rack. I prefer this one to the "classic" rack offered by Lovan because the shelves are supported on all 4 sides vs. a triangular shelf for the classic design.
I have not filled mine with anything so far & the performance is just fine to my ears.
I thought of stuffing the tubular shell with R-9 or R-11 thermal insulation but have not done so just yet.
I seem to subscribe more to the "light-weight, rigid" theory as I feel that it has more merit in damping resonances. Heavy stuff seems to have a low resonance freq. of its own & *could* bloat the bass. Then I disobey my own convictions & use a sandbox under my TT for added isolation!!
Almost all my equipment doesn't touch the shelf as I use DH Cones or a DIY symposium shelf. Only my preamp is sitting on the shelf on the recomendation of the designer.
One other thing I like is that the whole rack is open on all 4 sides. This heavily reduces the reflections of the music signal should you place the rack in between the speakers (like I do).
I also like its modular design - add pieces as you expand.
Anyway, I feel that this rack is very good for the money paid.
I have read on AudioAsylum that some people (Kal Rubinson included) use damping sheets on the underside of the shelves. Seems to help further. I might try that one day.
My 2 cents worth.