Loudspeakers that go LOUD?

I recently finished off a basement room that is 24.5' x 22.5' x 8'. My beloved Tyler Linbrook Monitor Signatures sound as wonderful as ever there provided I reign in the volume control somewhat, otherwise the SEAS Excel 7" drivers start to protest. I'd really like to find some speakers that wont give up too much in quality, especially in the areas of treble refinement and in imaging, but will play loud without strain. The few horn systems I've heard sounded peaky in the treble to me, but perhaps there are some which don't. Suggestions will be gratefully received.

Parameters: For music I am into classical, opera, female vocalists like Eva Cassidy and Jennifer Warnes, movie sound tracks, shows, golden oldies, but no heavy rock or metal. Power is via a 50 watt/channel tube amp but that could be changed out. Budget: on the order of up to $3K new or used.

Showing 1 response by gdoodle

Rather than GO loud I think you should pay attention to "sound good loud". A lot of speakers change their response curves at different volumes - will sound flat at low volume - and screechy, harsh or compressed at high volumes - so there is only a small range in the middle that sounds just right.

Revel claims they make sure the response is flat across all volumes. And my Joseph Audios seem to do this right also - its easy to turn them up loud and not realize it because they do not get harsh at loud volumes. Coincidentally both these speakers use very sharp crossover slopes.