A few days ago I started a thread on Audiogon under Amplifiers entitled best amplifier for low to moderate listening levels. The consensus opinion was that the amplifier is not the problem.  The Fletcher Munson Curve was mentioned. Essentially there seems to be 2 options: 1.  Loudness switch, also called loudness contour control (which can be found on many old receivers as well as some current Luxman products. Another option an equalizer, such as is the Schitt Loki equalizer which range from $300.00 to $1500.00. I am seeking to boost the base and treble at low listening levels to achieve a fuller richer sound quality. If I go the route of an equalizer how do I set up the equalizer? Not concerned about all the frequencies, only looking to have a more enjoyable listening experience at low volume levels with the bass and treble controls.  Can anybody recommend any products have loudness compensation controls, or equalizers that accomplish the same. The only equalizer product I have heard of is the Schitt product, but they do not take phone calls to answer any questions. I would rather pay more for a product and get the guidance of a quality dealer where I can have a live conversation,( not an e mail )  with him or her and make sure he or she understands what I am looking to accomplish. .

Any guidance would be appreciated.


Showing 1 response by dwest1023

If you get the shitt Loki max you will have remote control and 3 presets. You can make an adjustment for low listening, then save it. They have a 15 day trail so you can try is first for a minimal restocking fee. I dont need to use mine much , but it had become invaluable to me. Just saying.