Lost one channel of sound in new VAC Sigma 160i's?

Hi everyone, Just got it in today and set it up and as I changed from TT to CD, One side of sound went away. Anyone know may have happened? Thanks for any help.

I love music and the Audiophile world. I like most music, but Jazz & Rock and Roll is my Thrill. This Hobby may never end but might be the end of me, says my wife.

1,My Two Channel system is: CAT 100 Wat tube amp, With the CAT Legend pre, Esoteric X=03 CD player, "Sound of the Woods" TT and Sota Cosmos w/SME V arm w/Benz Glider cartridge. Speakers are Khorns and DC 10 Berlin Ref. w/Morrow & Cardas cables.

2.Home Theater Classe CAV 500 amp, Classe SSP 75 pre/processor,Oppo 105 Universal, Linn LP12Sondek w/Ekos arm w/Ortofon Jubilee. Cardas cables. B&W 802D & 805D w/Sony HD TV.
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Showing 1 response by waltersalas

Elizabeth is asking the right question. Have you lost sound in one channel regardless of which source you are using? Do you still get full sound in both channels using your TT?

In addition to rechecking your connections, you might try re-seating--or even swapping--tubes as well. You might have a dead tube.

This unit has just one fuse, right? I have a VAC 70/70, which has fuses for each side. When I lose sound in one channel, a blown fuse is usually the culprit, but I don't think that applies in your case.

Good luck with your troubleshooting!