Loss of bass & full spectrum sound

Can anyone shed light on my audio system problem?
I have PSB Synchrony one,Musical Fidelity M6i + cd player & turntable along w/video
The sound is Full with deep bass then after an hour it reverts to a different unenjoyable presentation with no life..
This has been going on in my NYC apt for about a year
I have a great sound then it changes (white-washed).
I adjust speaker cables(AQ biwire comet)& occasionally it regains a full body sound however after about one hour it's gone.
All my components have been checked to function properly.
I suspect an electrical problem but voltage is steady 120
Any similar experiences?

Showing 24 responses by fishing716

I have fantastic equipment
No need for ear buds
Hope to try PS Audio P-3 power station
If it doesn't help I'm able to return for refund
That's interesting
I had PSB Synchrony II & figure Synchrony would give more bass (which it does when working) but never tried different brand speakers.
I like PSB Synchrony sound and no one else has problems with them.So would probably discount a driver problem with the PSB
Karma not withstanding!
Been told I've now entered the "twilight zone" & I need an exorcist.
Actually I've tried everything imaginable but the problem persists.
When I've lost the dynamic & good sound-
I notice the lower notes are still playing but the impact & "growl" has completely left
I tried jumper cables instead of biwire but the problem persists.
Audioquest Comet biwire 6ft cables w/banana's are not defective
The connections on the amp are tight
For some reason if I reconnect speaker cables I regain the missing low bass output.
It's quite vexing
I tried every outlet in my apartment with the same results..
Sometimes the bass would be full & taut but would quickly go away
Today was better but:
Sometimes a break in the circut like changing to a different source comprimises the full sound.
Does anyone have deep bass most of the time but weight & impact changes for no apparent reason?
Peak hours ( 5-9) pm are vulnerable time
"Conditioner that will stabilize its AC output"

Which manufacture makes this type of product and/or recommend?
It seems like the problem is everytime the system warms up.
Everything was replaced with the same results and was unable to locate any malfunctions

Recent amp,speaker cable & speakers
I started with spades switched to banana's now am going direct wire.
I don't think that's the problem because I changed everything over the course of a year
Sill have the same result
I wake up in the morning,reconnect speaker cables after I pulled them out the night before.
The sound is full & deep
Over course of the day
Full sound is intermitten by end of day bass is long gone.
I've tried one positive & negative solution using binding posts that came with speakers.
It didn't work,sound was even less appealing
My Girlfriend hears the same thing as I
My amp is brand new and already had 3 amps here with the same results
Today the bass was there then after about 2 hrs was gone.
I switched speaker cables from left speaker to right side of amp & vice vera and the bass worked again
It has remained as I write for about 2 hrs.
it can (and will)go at anytime
The result is always unlistenable
Right now it sounds vital
I have Called PSB,Audioquest & Bryston(I had B135 for months)now have Musical Fidelity M6i
These companies were reluctant to believe me or suggest a remedy.
My Dealer in Florida *I am in NYC also has no solution.
At least he allows me to trade recent purchases for newer products with little loss.
I am saving to audition PS Audio P-3 power station with return previlage in hopes that will solve the problem.
System doesn't sound good at all today
No bass or fullness whatsoever.
I had Synchrony II speakers now have synchrony I with same problem.
It must be because I live in a complex & the electricty is flux.
I was hopeing someone else had similar problems but mine seems to be unique
My Amp is Brand new(Musical Fidelity M6i) after replacing a privious brand new amp (Bryston B135).
It's unlikely the power supply capacitor is failing in my amp.
What you said about RFI is worth investgating
My prior statement that the system changes when warmed up was not accurate..
There is no reoccuring pattern when the sound will changes.
The kick drum & heft behind the bass lasts up to 72 hrs.
Has anyone tried Highwire powerwraps to rid RFI interference?


I've noticed it's eaiser to get one speaker working with full spectrum sound after pulling out speaker cables.
When I try for both speakers after "I found the bsss working properly" it's more difficult to get both speakers to be working together.
The slightet break in the circut like changing Records or different sources eaisly knocks out the lower full bass.
Even with the one speaker after 'bout an hour the sound changes and the taut bass is gone.
Left with music with no emotion
I am thinking of buying PS Audio P-3 power station
Anyone have helpful insight if this would help?
@ fishing716,I believe I would start with your power at hand!,high -end recepticals for each componet,a dedicated 10 gauge electrical line for each componet,with a dedicated ground for each componet with a 20 amp breaker for each componet, this is what I use,problems?,I have none!,the sound will improve dramatically as well!,this will take a few hundred dollars to do,the pay-off sounds in the thousands!Happy listening!

I'm sorry but don't understand all these details such as 10 gauge electrical line(what is that?)
Also 20 amp breaker(what is that?)
I apologise if I'm not knowledgable of electrical terms as you assume.
I'm just a music listener
John @ audioconnection
That is a very helpful suggestion
I will contact an Electrican
This is Anthony from Staten Island
I've been in your shop many times and purchased B&W 804n from you 15 years ago.
Say hello to Mary your receptionist