Losing Touch

You know sometimes I feel that I have lost touch with why I have been into audio/music since the 70's. I have been sitting at my computer this morning doing a bunch of nothing when I opened up Tidal and started cruising the "Masters" listings. I have The Cars "Candy-O" playing right now through my Audioengine 5+ and sub. Damn what fun. Do I have it playing too loud? Yup. The MUSIC is wonderful. The quality is great. Isn't this what it is all about? Getting into it fully. "Candy-O I need you so." Had to share. Have a good listen. 
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Showing 2 responses by sevs

@brauser it is a Good one! Every time i admire "Gone to Earth" or "Octoberon" by Barclay James Harvest I wonder if my gentle and law-abiding dad (Communist) smirks at me from Heaven (his rules of conduct were as struct as you would imagine from the most devoted Catholics!) 
back to the original thread: I have a Tip! Get a boombox for under $100 and listen to Cars, Bee Gees, Enigma,... the way you listened as your younger self. I do not "get" Bee Gees or Enigma thru my hi-end, but $100 boombox with cassette recorded from CD is my "Time Machine". This does Not apply to my all-time fav Brahms under Bohm, I still have to figure this out...
Forgot to mention that my recent "enlightenment" of the beauties of analog cassettes happened upon my stambling  onto Stereo 2 Go forum.