Loricraft Record Cleaning

I've put off buying a record cleaning machine for years now, and doing it by hand is just getting old (So am I for that matter). Seems like everyone has an opinion on which machine is best, but nothing really negative on the Loricraft machines.

I'm looking for a used machine if possible, and if someone has one and is tired of cleaning records period, let me know. If you can point me to a solution or have a reason why I'm completely out in left field, that's helpful as well.

Thanks for the input!

Showing 2 responses by bkonig

I went from the VPI 16.5 to Loricraft. The Loricraft takes longer to clean a disc. You sometimes have to vacuum twice to suck up some residual fluid. However, it is extremely quiet and sonically far superior to the 16.5. Records cleaned on a Loricraft as compared to my 16.5 had noticably quieter, blacker backgrounds, better transparency, less grain, better resolution and better sense of air, space and depth. I attribute this to the fact that you do not continually contaminate the LP with the same wand that sucks up the fluid and dirt. The Loricraft may also do a better job of sucking up the liqiid/dirt through the very fine nozzle. All I know is that the sonic results are very consistant.
Jfrech -

Hi John. We had corresponded in the past. I went from the 16.5 to the Loricraft. To compare both machines, I would clean an LP on the 16.5 and listen to a cut. I would then clean with the Loricraft using the same fluid and listen again. The results were consistant for each LP. Lp's cleaned on the Loricraft were very noticably quieter with a lower noise floor, blacker more grainless background, better sense of space and depth and more tranaparent.

I would then clean the lp again thinking that maybe it was the second cleaning (first cleaned on the 16.5, listen and then clean on the Loricraft). After I would clean again on the 16.5, I lost the effects I heard after it was cleaned on the loricraft. My guess is that the wand that is used on the 16.5 would recontaminate the lp even though I would keep it clean.

The only drawback is that it takes longer and is more combersome using the Loricraft.