Loricraft - level platter? , tips and questions

I've had my Loricraft rcm a few weeks

I've noticed that the platter slopes slightly to the left (is not perfectly level relative to the leveled base - is this normal?)

a few tips I haven't seen mentioned before

1) when puting the arm in position - either at the mid label groove or returning it to rest off the platter - overextend the arm it the direction it needs to moveabout an inch past your destination, then back it into place
it lowers the forward tension and makes the arm track better

2)pull a little more thread through than normal
that way if the thread bunches up (loose from the jar going backward) on the next pass you can turn the bobbin clockwise to tighten the slack out and still get clean thread

3)let the bugtussel sit for 30 seconds or so before vacuming

any other suggestions to keep the thread from loosening up backwards, thanks?

I'm getting dead quiet records on mint pressings