Looking to upgrade to Class A/B Integrated DAC Amp

Purchased a pair of Aerial 6Ts recently and looking to upgrade My Amp. I currently use a Primare I-32 Class D w 230W into 4ohms. Looking for an integrated sub $10K that can also stream. Have been told to look at:
Goldnote IS-1000 Deluxe
Hegel H-390
Krell K-300i
Thoughts? Recommendations? I am new to Audiogon so any feedback appreciated. 
You can add these to the list. I do like the Hegel personally

Naim Uniti Nova (this or the Hegel would probably be my top choices)
Ayre EX-8

At this level I’d get a separate streamer and DAC. Doing this would open up a ton more options for you in terms of an integrated amp and obviously makes it easier to upgrade your streamer as this relatively new technology inevitably (and probably very quickly) advances.  Ditto to maybe to a little lesser degree on the DAC.  Just my $0.02 FWIW.