Looking to upgrade from a Clearaudio Ambient (garrard 301 vs technics sp10?)


I have been using audiogon for guidance since I started the hobby 5 years ago and you haven't steered  me wrong yet. 

I have the upgrade itch and need your help though. 

I currently have a clearaudio ambient with a morch dp6 + ART-9 ---> doshi alaap ---> Audiog horizons pre ---> plinius SA-100 ---> Kef reference 1's. 

I do love the set-up but feel the table might be a little too clinical sounding. Any suggestions on upgrades in the 5-6K range?. Used is good for me!

Thanks in advance!
You should try an EMT or Benz Micro cartridge. That might be the change you are looking for in terms of a less clinical sound.
I would ask if you have a digital source and if you have the same issue with the sound quality with that source? I am guessing not but thought I would ask.

If you are certain the issue is with the TT or cartridge I would also suggest any of the Benz Wood Body cartridges. They work very well on the Morch arms. I used a Benz Ruby on a DP6 for years. You have a great table but if you want to upgrade the table I would look at the Clearaudio Ovation. To me, it's the sweet spot TT in the Clearaudio line and does not sound clinical at all. But I would look at the cartridge first.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the quick reply, guys!

 I have an opportunity to buy a Bauer Audio DPS turntable with a Schroeder arm for ~ 5000K. 

What do you guys think?

I think 5 million dollars is a bit too much, but the Bauer appears to be a plain looking yet original design.  If you are getting the Ayre power supply with the Bauer, then this sounds like a good deal at $5K.  This is coming from a direct-drive aficionado.  Seems like an Avid Acutus would be similar in concept and cost, for a comparison.
I haven't heard the DPS table and have only heard the Ambient with a Clearaudio tone arm so I can't tell you if the Bauer will get you what you want. I know that Ayre used to sell that TT so I assume it must be a good one. If you have a chance to hear it before you buy it I would do that. Again good luck.