Looking to replace my (Mcintosh)

Hello All
Looking to replace my (Mcintosh 7100 power amp) with something a little stronger .....small room (12X14 X) 10 foot ceilings.  Speakers are platinum audio solo's and KEf ls50,s.
The new McIntosh Anniversary Amp, 2152, is a 150 per channel.  I call it a tank but it sounds sweet. A great Tube Amp
@luxmancl38 - we must be pretty close I’m in Southern NH. 

I found the LS50’s need a lot of power to get the best out of them. I use to drive them with a Rega Brio-r and always felt it was under powered. I swapped to an ML532 and that made a huge difference. I got rid of both and now have an MC275 and Harbeths, I’d be loathed to ditch my Mc gear, so maybe a 452 would be a good match. 
I have the perfect answer. Get another 7100, strap the pair, bingo 300 watts per channel of Mac power. I felt a little under powered when I changed to my Frank Fazzalari blendover Radian 512/2bs in custom made 60's cabinets but the pair of 7100 have power and that Mac sound.
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