Looking to replace a CD transport...

Any suggestions, need to replace a transport...?


I'm considering the purchase of a PS Audio PW transport, not the memory player. There are many for sale in the $1,400 range. Does anyone have any better picks in the $1,000-$2,000 range? 

I have an Aesthetix  Mimas integrated with their DAC board.

The Jay's transport is out of my budget!




Showing 1 response by raiderdave3275

Hey Andrew - (dont mean to derail your thread), I dont have any further transports to suggest given the good ones noted before, but I do have an interest in the Mimas and specifically your thoughts on the DAC card.  I have my sights on the Mimas (retirement gift to me...), and have not read/heard much on the DAC.  Thanks in advance.