Looking to replace a CD transport...

Any suggestions, need to replace a transport...?


I'm considering the purchase of a PS Audio PW transport, not the memory player. There are many for sale in the $1,400 range. Does anyone have any better picks in the $1,000-$2,000 range? 

I have an Aesthetix  Mimas integrated with their DAC board.

The Jay's transport is out of my budget!




Showing 2 responses by pindac

I am relatively New to replaying CD's as a Source Material in my system, it has been Vinyl LP Source Material system for 35ish years with approx' the past five years having an enablement to replay CD's.

I am not short of CD replay experiences, I have been demonstrated many set ups over many years, it took quite a long time to be introduced to a set up that was such an influence to convince me to include it as a second Source in the system.

The main change of thought started due to a DAC that was offered, it is a bespoke built Tube DAC, this when heard used with quite cheap CDP's really got my attention, and I ultimately ended up purchasing it.

I had it used in various locations on different systems coupled to different CDP's/CDT's and in the end chose a CDT as the impression made was not easy to forget and was the presentation to aspire to, using all previous demonstrations as the comparison.       

Is their a specific reason the PS Audio - PW Memory Player is to be not included in a shortlist? 

I had been demonstrated the Perfect Wave Memory Player as part of my investigations for the DAC partnering.

It is this model that I ended up purchasing, which was found as a used item owned by a individual who has a very expensive HiFi/Entertainment System. The Perfect Wave and a Top of the Range Parasound CD Player was being compared in the system. The vendor made it known the Parasound was to be kept, as it was a multi functional device, that was on par with the SQ of the Perfect Wave, hence I arranged a price and purchase of the Perfect Wave.

I have had visitors and visited homes of others, who are with multiples of combined years of listening to CD, the assessment offered of the CD Source I have put together has been very reassuring and I am confident, there is not a great deal to be discovered that can better it, unless I spend much more money, or venture into the quest to find the next holy grail of CD replays.

That still does not stop me being tempted to take the DAC along to a Dealership approx' 15 Miles from my home and hook it up to a Jay's Audio Transport. Curiosity and Inquisitiveness is a strong influence, it is only the fact that at this stage, I would feel like a 'tyre kicker at a car sale', that I have not endeavoured.


@charles1dad I have read many good commentaries on the impression the    Project RS2T CD transport has been able to make on those who have moved over to it.

It is reassuring to know how satisfactory the P.S. Audio PWT was during your period of ownership.

I have a inquisitive nature, hence the DAC undergoing Tube Rolling, then visiting different locations to put it through further trials, when something impresses as the DAC has with the PWT, I can enter into the Zone of 'What If', hence the Jay's Audio Devices just a short journey away are an attractive proposition to learn a little more about what can be achieved.

In 2023, when I am hopefully settled in the home again. I will have a PWT > Jay's Audio > Project RS2T CD transport experience, to see what is attainable. I also have a few new items to trial in the home system with the vinyl source for this year as well.

To keep the CD interest ongoing and relevant, I have recently been able to be demonstrated an EAR Acute CDP, that has been Tube Rolled, with a the final Tube Selection being early 1960 E88CC's, now these are adorning the CDP, the new additions have transformed its presentation to another level, especially one that has been unimaginable to be achieved by the CDP's owner.