Looking to get my first amp, speakers and turntabl

Looking to upgrade my set up and take my music listening to the next level. Unfortunately there's only one shop in town I'm aware of and I'm not 100% sure the sales dude is on the same page as me or has the same appreciation for music that I do. He's knowledgable, just not sure we're on the same page.

So far he suggested either the Rotel RA 1570 amp or Anthem MRX 700. There are two sets of speakers I've listened to so far, Bowers and Wilkins 683 and Paradigm Studio 20. I like the B & Ws but I'm a little disappointed that a sub would be necessary for either of those. i guess that's typical?

To recap, I'm looking to use the system exclusively for music, mostly vinyl, but also CDs and digital formats. Should I entertain something that can work with the TV as well? Drawbacks to that?

I listen to rock mostly. Today I took with me Jack White's Blunder Bus, two My Morning Jacket albums, Beastie Boy's Paul's Botique, Dark Side of the Moon and Radiohead Kid A.

I currently have a Sony turntable, a Sony receiver / amp from the 90's, Bose bookshelf speakers and some Cerwin Vega floor speakers.

Looking to take the whole set up to the next level. Budget would be around $3K, but would like to keep it under. Any advice or places to get info would be appreciated?
Excellent. Thanks for the feedback. My sole purpose of this system is to play music. The room is 12.5' x 26'. Carpeted with an 8ft ceiling except where a finished duct runs through the middle. Setting it up lengthwise.
Why don't you at least mention the state you live in. You may be surprised to find more than one dealer within a few hours with help from the Agon members.
I'd take a little trip to the DC area and check out the dealers there. I'm assuming you prefer floorstanders vs. bookshelf spks. Paradigm has exc. spks. current and former models which would serve you well. (PSB's as well.) I'd personally get a really nice int. amp. The Marantz PM6004 is now $499 new. Get a nice Marantz CD player as well for under 1k new. That would leave enough for TT (Rega would be a good choice) and you have the option of getting a seperate phono pre-amp if the Marantz's built in phono doesn't satisfy. It should be fine though. Now if you buy used, you could save even more. If you decide to go the home theatre route, an A/V receiver would work as well. There are closeouts to save you $. Probably will not sound as good as a dedicated 2 ch. system w/either int. amp/seperates. You'll need some $ for cabling as well. You should be pleased w/the sound vs. your present system. You do need to make the time. Also, going south you have the dealers in the Raleigh, NC area. Good hunting. Bill
John, How is your audio quest going?

I am not familiar with the B&W 683, have heard the 685, and have owned the Studio 20s v.4. I prefer 2-way stand mount speakers. The B&W speakers mate well with Rotel amps. I have heard the Rotel 1520 and think it a good contender at your price point. Has a phono stage, 60wpc. Has a pre out for a subwoofer, though for music I really don't think you should need one.

Is the wall behind the speakers to be the 12.5' or 26' one?

Sounds like you will need a CD player as well as a turntable. Do you own one?

Are willing to buy used? on Audiogon?

Two aspects of a system quality and character need to be considered. Quality is driven by having a correct balance and synergism between components at a certain budget. The character of a system is driven by owner preferences as to warmth and aspects of tonal balance and soundstaging that are most important. Speakers contribute the greatest to character. Speakers can only sound there best when driven by quality source components and amplification.

I would buy a integrated amp for ~1/3 of budget. A good integrated amp can serve for many years and survive upgrades to sources and speakers.

I would buy a CD player and a turntable for ~1/3 of budget. THe Rega at $450 is a good choice. Cambridge audio or Rotel make a good CD player within budget.

The remainder can be spent on speakers. and cables. There are many quality speakers on the market for ~$500. All are quality but differ greatly in character. Buying used allows one to upgrade without great expense.

Buy cables used on audiogon or Ebay. I would buy Canare 4s11 speaker cables and terminate myself ( can buy new less than $50). I would buy audioquest sidewinder or copperhead interconnects. These cables are far superior to what is offered free with components and will not detract from the need to allocate most funds to other components.

I think that between your local dealer and the on line market place you should end up with a very satisfactory system.

Hope my thoughts help. Keep us posted on your venture.