Looking to find out more about the Audio Refinements Complete A power amp...

Hello to all...

Looking to find out more about the Audio Refinements Complete A power amp: found one in good shape (cosmetically at least) at a price I can afford. Looking for real world experiences of those who owned one or actually heard one, as well as any other products by this manufacturer...

Some info on the internet - anyone an opinion on a vintage piece like this...

Showing 1 response by figuy

If you are talking about the Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp, I owned one for several years a while back as well. I believe they were a subsidiary of YBA if I recall, a French company. These amps were well regarded and have great sound for the money. The Complete integrated is known for having a somewhat sweeter and perhaps more musical presentation as opposed to being analytical. I recall the power was good and it was solidly built. It was one of my favorite integrated amps. Never had any issues with it at all.