Looking for thoughts from Nottingham Analog table owners

Really like the looks and the build quality of the Nottingham tables, and it does not hurt that I am originally from Nottingham, England to start with...lol
But I have read a few reviews that claim they are pretty tricky to set up and some suffer 60hz hum fairly easily?
Would like to hear from actual owners, your arms, carts etc
Would be upgrading from a Funk Firm Vector with Grado Gold which is deathly quiet as far as hum and in its own right is very musical in my rig.
Thank you

Showing 7 responses by anovak

I have owned the Spacedeck and Space Arm for about 6 years now and am pretty happy with it, aside from the cueing mechanism needing to be replaced as I type this and wait for the new unit to arrive.  I have a very slight 60hz hum at VERY high volume levels. I can move the connectors from the TT to the phonostage around a bit and get louder or softer hum, so I have compensated by arranging those in a configuration that results in the lowest hum possible.  When I switch the input to a digital one, the hum instantly vanishes so I am reasonably sure the issue resides somewhere between my cartridge and the outputs on my phonostage.

Oh man, you nailed it perfectly bcowen, the two things that irritate me most about this system are those you mentioned.....azimuth adjustment (or lack thereof) and the collet around the armpost!!!  While I AM able, unlike you, to twist the headshell on the end of the arm (a very suspect process as it imparts a lot of torque to the graphite arm which is very concerning), it is HIGHLY unlikely that you will get an accurate result unless you are just plain lucky.  Having a friend with a Fozgometer, we worked for quite a while before getting a setting that the meter showed to be proper, and then it was close, not perfect but I'll live with that.  The second thing, tightening the collet around the armpost, just makes no sense to me at all because, if you hold the tonearm with your left hand while tightening the collet, you can FEEL the arm moving out of the original position as you tighten the grub screws!  So, reflecting on what Mr. Fletcher has said on many occasions, "the meaning of tight," I have found that by just a VERY light snugging of first one, then the other, then back again to the first, repeating this at least 3-4 times whilst holding the tonearm in the other hand has resulted in not much, if any motion imparted by the tightening to the position of the arm.  That's how I do it anyway, and I only tighten it enough to keep it from moving when I use the cueing mechanism.  This you will need to experiment with but with GREAT CAUTION as one that is too loose can result in the tonearm moving across your record as you try to lift it up with the cueing mechanism and that has obvious undesirable consequences.

Hope that helps you out some in your contemplations. 

Meanwhile, my effort at restoring the old lift mechanism (see my earlier post this week) resulted in failure.  Couldn't find the proper lube here locally and was just about to order some of the Kyosho 500,000 cSt stuff online when under close inspection, found that the end of the piston where it engages with the cam was worn to some extent so decided to pop for a new one from the US distributor in Florida, Hollywood Sound, who by the way are very good to work with and offer a very personalized level of service, taking time to talk with me about the issue I was having and providing some excellent guidance without which I would still be trying to figure out how to get the old one off!  No affiliation, rest assured, just a happy customer who does not hesitate to pass on good recommendations to my friends where they are warranted.  Talked with "Marc," by the way, and he's a gentleman......
Uberwaltz, I tend to agree with you about the comparisons between digital and analog but found that if I use a higher resolution in recording, in my case 96/24, the A/B comparison yields results that are far less distinguishable.  Further, recordings in SACD 256 are even better and may really be the way to go if one intends to archive an entire collection.  That said, it all starts with the source and if you have a lousy recording in the studio, no medium nor format is going to make it sound any better than the original.  Just my 2 cents.
A very respectable recording and not surprised it is your goto....I have the original 1974 A&M release, the 1980 Mobile Fidelity, the 2008 180gr. release and they all sound different, however slightly, but different and of the bunch I'd nod towards the Mobile Fidelity on my system with the Spacedeck/Spacearm/Sumiko Blackbird. 

You're right, all DACs are not created equal and that can make a huge difference!  Just the other day a friend brought over his PS Audio DAC and it blew my Oppo clean out of the proverbial water!  And the Oppo was an improvement over the one in my Rotel which for a long time I thought was no slouch.  

Good for you, uberwalz, cleaning, as has been said, "is a ritual" and that holds true for us vinyl-lovers.  Once you start and perfect the process, it can indeed yield grand rewards.  I'm about 60% through my collection. My procedure now is to find an album I haven't cleaned yet that I want to hear, clean it, wait until sunset (which is a magical listening time for me) and give it a spin.  I have found countless new titles in my uncleaned section this way by artists that I otherwise would not likely have discovered and had huge enjoyment!

Let us know over time what your impressions on the Spacedeck are, and enjoy!

Good point about the MFSL/UHQR......a friend has it and as good as my regular MFSL is, it is indeed a notch up!  

Happy New Year to you as well and all the good folks here on the forum!
When my friend brought over that UHQR of COTC I did a 96/24 needle drop and am listening to that right now. It doesn’t get much better unless of course you have a great copy of it on vinyl......🤠

Thanks for the well-wishes with the cueing mechanism.  Am taking the down-time to do some basic maintenance on the arm, even polished the brass counterweight back to a sparkle. Sure looking sweet!
Sumiko Blackbird HO, SAE 1000 LC, Benz Micro MC20E2, Micro Acoustic 630, even a Shure High Track M91E. All sound good, some I believe a little better like the Blackbird which is what I am using at the moment. I'd also be interested in what others have used. Must not be that many Notts owners on this forum?
Tangramca, that would be the Ace Space arm, the Space Arm is 12.5gr. from the dealer's manual......

Set up Specs

Distance from Tone arm center to spindle
Interspace and RB-250 - 222 mm
Space Arm - 210 mm
Anna (10”) - 222 mm
Anna (12”) - 294 mm

Effective Mass of Tone arms*
RB-250 - 11.25 grams
Interspace - 11.25 grams
Space Arm - 12.5 grams
Anna (10”) - 13 grams
Anna (12”) - 15.5 grams
* All measurements are approximate