Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used

I currently have a Dynavector drt xvs1 and am looking to upgrade. In my experience, the TT has little to do with the sound.  I have a $400 Pioneer PL 71, and It gives me just as good of sound a my VPI-Scoutmaster .  I’m looking for a used moving coil cart around $5K. I like clear sound, not too bright, but very articulate and good tight bottom end.  Please give your suggestions and why.  BTW my phono preamp is a Rhea Signature with new low noise tubes.  Sounds great, just looking for the elusive unicorn

Showing 2 responses by nandric

Allaerts MC 2 finish gold or MC 2 formula 1. The best technical

specs ever.

@strongarm, I own Ikeda 345 the best of his tonearms according to

 Ikeda (see J. Carr post baout Ikeda arms). I also own Ikeda 9TT

which together form an nice combo. But my FR-64 S and Allaerts

MC 2 are in different league.