ATC makes some very nice bookshelf speakers that are incredibly accurate. They are easily within your price point.Rollin
Looking for suggestions on best small footprint speaker under $4K
i’m a long time 2 channel system guy that rekindled his interest in music and Is looking to upgrade speakers. I just currently upgraded from a small tube amp to a 150 W Krell amp and have really enjoyed the improved response from my 7 year old KEF LS50’s. My favorite Brands of speakers over the years have been Maggie’s and B&W. I have also downsized homes and size of speaker is an issue. Looking for the best sounding speaker for jazz and lite rock. Attractive cabinets are important to me so I don’t like the looks of golden ear speakers.. 25 years ago I loved Vandersteen speakers but they were just not attractive.
As I begin my search what would yoou suggest. I have started looking at Monitor Audio and Salk but have not heard any. My budget is $4K.
i appreciate your feedback.
i’m a long time 2 channel system guy that rekindled his interest in music and Is looking to upgrade speakers. I just currently upgraded from a small tube amp to a 150 W Krell amp and have really enjoyed the improved response from my 7 year old KEF LS50’s. My favorite Brands of speakers over the years have been Maggie’s and B&W. I have also downsized homes and size of speaker is an issue. Looking for the best sounding speaker for jazz and lite rock. Attractive cabinets are important to me so I don’t like the looks of golden ear speakers.. 25 years ago I loved Vandersteen speakers but they were just not attractive.
As I begin my search what would yoou suggest. I have started looking at Monitor Audio and Salk but have not heard any. My budget is $4K.
i appreciate your feedback.