Looking for suggestions....

I have recently burned in a new (used) pre-amp that needed new output caps replaces (long story) and having gone through that I recently upgraded my speaker cables. Was going through a lot of my classic rock/folk/jazz collection that I have ripped onto my server and running JRiver for playback. While going through tracks of a lot of different recordings I noticed that a number of the tracks seem to be fairly poorly recorded, compressed, highs rolled off.

So, to make sure I am not losing my mind (a distinct possibility) I am wondering some of your favorite recordings, ones that are recorded well. I listen to the entire range from classical to classic rock, so what have you got?  

Showing 1 response by tom6897

Steely Dan - Aja
Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
James Taylor - Hourglass 
Diana Krall - Live in Paris