Looking for speaker recommendations

I retired a couple of years ago and as a hobby have become a bit of an audiophile.  I need some speaker advice from those of you who know more than I. 

I listen mostly to classical and jazz. System is on most of the day for background music.  I do more critical listen from 8-10 in the evening at low volume (50-60 db.)

Been buying and selling gear and my current system is a Mac computer, Teac UD-301 DAC/preamp, Classe CT-2300 amp, Vandersteen 2CE signature speakers. My listening space is a 20 X 18 foot living room with cathedral ceilings. Due to WAF restrictions, the stereo system is in a corner of the room with the speakers 10 feet apart, directed at my listening chair that is 12 feet away.  

The Vandys sound nice but I suspect they are too directional for my listening space and style.  I am looking for a speaker that has a more fuller sound stage and will fill the room with sound. Speakers will need to have a better WAF than the Vandys. (Wife does not like the black socks on the Vandys.)

I prefer to buy used and am looking in the $2-5K range.

My current short-list for speakers is-

Legacy-Signature SE

DeVore-Gibbon X

Any advice/recommendations would be appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by lowrider57

I can only speak to the Devore’s, but I love my Gibbon Super 8’s. It seems as though the Gibbons have a house sound; realistic tonality, deep and wide soundstaging, and a very focused image. Non-fatiguing and organic, the speakers disappear in my 12' x 16' room.

BTW, a pair of the DeVore-Gibbon X is $15,000 new.

I agree regarding DACs and preamps. For a combo Dac/Pre, $3 to $4K moves you into a much higher level of build and sound quality.
My original advice was to look for an upper level Devore used. But, if you were to purchase a separate preamp such as an Audio Note and use your Teac DAC for now, your opinion of the Vandersteens may change. A very good tube preamp combined with your amp would very likely transform the presentation of your system.

Full disclosure, I'm also an Audio Note owner...Dac 2.1 Signature and M2 Special linestage.