Looking for Speaker Recommendations


I am getting a new system and am looking for speaker recommendations. I will have a ma8950 and will, at least initially, be streaming exclusively. Focal and B & W are too bright and fatiguing. Wilson SabrinaX are good except for the price. Any thoughts? Thanks.


Showing 1 response by jundaku

Focal Kanta 2 pairs exceptionally well with McIntosh. The Be tweeters in them are detailed but not fatiguing like the 900 series and vastly better then modern B&W speakers.  The Sonus faber Olympicas are also excellent speakers depending on your music tastes. Jazz, piano, and vocals are amazing with Sf + Mac but it can be a little too smooth with other kinds of music. I own both sets of speakers and keep my Kantas with my Mac setup and my Olympicas are on my brighter amps.