Looking for Speaker Input

My system is Luxman C900u pre amp, 2 Luxman M900u amps configured in monoblock mode driving Focal Sopra 3 speakers.  All digital with Aurender W20SE streamer. DAC is Luxman D10x, which doubles as a CD/SACD transport.  My question for the forum is I think the Focals are the weak link.  What speakers would the forum recommend to go with the rest of my gear?

Showing 1 response by woots

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to demo many amps connected to an Aurender Streamer and many different speaker combinations.  I heard amps from Boulder, McIntosh, Luxman, Pass to name a few. Speakers heard were Focal various models, Magico A series and S series, Martin Logan Esl Series and Monoliths, Wilson Sasha Daw and Alexia II’s. I do not recall the exact cabling but it was Audioquest branded. From my perspective the best sounding combination for the Luxman M900u was one amp played in stereo setting combined with the Wilson Alexia II’s, followed up by the Martin Logan’s. The Magico’s sounded very hollow and the Focals way too bright. This was my personal experience. Hope this helps and good luck. Woots